Career support for artists / Advise. Facilitate. Create

Navigating the Art Industry: Professional Practices for Emerging Artists

Navigating the Art Industry: Professional Practices for Emerging Artists

3 Hours

This is a unique seminar designed specifically for emerging artists preparing to approach the commercial and public art industry. It is ideal for fine artists of any media pursuing careers in the commercial art market or those looking to expand their exhibition repertoire.

Presenter Pennylane Shen has taught full courses in Vancouver, New York and Toronto. This seminar is a condensed introductory session of her 12-week course which has been taught at NYC Crit Club, Mastrius, Langara College and Thrive Together Network, combining theory, industry experience and practical resources for the emerging artist.

Topics include:

  1. Presentation (portfolio, application letters, CVs, submissions, proposals)

  2. Approaching the gallery industry (types of galleries, roles and representation)

  3. Alternative exhibition and marketing options (juried exhibitions, non-profit art spaces, group shows)

  4. Commercial gallery procedures and guidelines (payment, contracts, shipping, framing)

  5. Promotional Development (publications, websites, social media, biographies)

  6. Standard Practices (pricing, hanging, framing, documentation, editions, reproductions)

For questions regarding booking or rates for private groups and non-profit institutions, please contact